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Davis Middle School

“Our Future Begins Here!”

Student Handbook 2024-2025


837 No Name Street

Evanston, WY  82930

(307) 789-8096

(307) 789-3386 (fax)

Vision:  The Gold Standard for Wyoming Education in Collaboration, Instruction, and Mentorship/Relationships!


Mission: Davis Middle School is the place where everyone is cared about, and where high levels of learning take place for all!


Davis Middle School Collective Commitments:


  • I protect and value collaboration time.
  • I am a positive, actively prepared, contributing member of my collaborative team.
  • I am coachable and challenge myself to learn and improve my understanding of the work.
  • I am a professionally honest and trustworthy team member who communicates clearly.



  • I work daily to ensure fidelity to a guaranteed and viable curriculum.
  • I teach the essential learnings of our agreed-upon curriculum.
  • I am frequently assessing student learning.
  • I intervene with those students who have not yet learned the essential learnings and extend the learning of those students who have mastered the essentials.



  • I am building teacher/student relationships.
  • I know that ALL students can learn at high levels. 
  • I intervene with students needing additional emotional strength.
  • I will work to ensure that Davis Middle School is a safe and orderly school for every student.


Davis’s Goals for 2024-2025:

  • Reading and Writing in every subject every day
  • Mentoring-Building strong relationships with students and helping students remove barriers to learning
  • Students keeping their data and setting goals
  • Enrichment-Enhancing all students’ learning
  • Ensuring a guaranteed and viable curriculum for all students
  • Provide students with a safe, collaborative, and orderly culture


Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday


Starting Bell 7:50 a.m.      Ending Bell 2:54 p.m.

6th Grade Bell Schedule

Homeroom 7:50 – 8:02

1st Period     8:05 – 8:46

2nd Period    8:49 – 9:30

Demon WIN Time/SEL 9:33 – 10:03

3rd Period    10:06 – 10:47

4th Period    10:50 – 11:31

5th Period    11:34 – 12:15

2nd Lunch     12:15 – 12:45

6th Period    12:45 – 1:26

7th Period    1:29 – 2:10

8th Period    2:13 – 2:54


7th Grade Bell Schedule

    Homeroom 7:50 – 8:02

1st Period     8:05 – 8:46

2nd Period    8:49 – 9:30

Demon WIN Time/SEL 9:33 – 10:03

3rd Period    10:06 – 10:47

4th Period    10:50 – 11:31

1st Lunch      11:31 – 12:01

5th Period    12:01 – 12:42

6th Period    12:45 – 1:26

7th Period    1:29 – 2:10

8th Period    2:13 – 2:54


8th Grade Bell Schedule

        Homeroom 7:50 – 8:02

1st Period     8:05 – 8:46

2nd Period    8:49 – 9:30

Demon WIN Time/SEL 9:33 – 10:03

3rd Period    10:06 – 10:47

4th Period    10:50 – 11:31

5th Period    11:34 – 12:15

6th Period    12:18 – 12:59

3rd Lunch     12:59 – 1:29

7th Period    1:29 – 2:10

8th Period    2:13 – 2:54






Starting Bell 8:50 a.m.      Ending Bell 2:54 p.m.


6th GRADE 


Homeroom 8:50 – 9:07

1st Period     9:10 – 9:47

2nd Period    9:50 – 10:27

3rd Period    10:30 – 11:07

4th Period    11:10 – 11:47

5th Period    11:50 – 12:27

2nd Lunch     12:27 – 12:54

6th Period    12:57 – 1:34

7th Period    1:37 – 2:14

8th Period    2:17 – 2:54


7th GRADE 


Homeroom 8:50 – 9:07

1st Period     9:10 – 9:47

2nd Period    9:50 – 10:27

3rd Period    10:30 – 11:07

4th Period    11:10 – 11:47

1st Lunch      11:47 – 12:14

5th Period    12:17 – 12:54

6th Period    12:57 – 1:34

7th Period    1:37 – 2:14

8th Period    2:17 – 2:54


 8th GRADE 


Homeroom 8:50 – 9:07

1st Period     9:10 – 9:47

2nd Period    9:50 – 10:27

3rd Period    10:30 – 11:07

4th Period    11:10 – 11:47

5th Period    11:50 – 12:27

6th Period    12:30 – 1:07

3rd Lunch     1:07 – 1:34

7th Period    1:37 – 2:14

8th Period    2:17 – 2:54





1st Period  7:50 – 8:30

2nd Period 8:33 – 9:13

3rd Period  9:16 – 9:56

4th Period  9:59 – 10:39

5th Period  10:42 – 11:22

6th Period  11:25 – 12:05

2nd Lunch 12:05 – 12:35

7th Period  12:35 – 1:15

8th Period  1:18 – 1:58

Homeroom 2:01 – 2:09

TGIF           2:09 – 2:54




1st Period  7:50 – 8:30

2nd Period 8:33 – 9:13

3rd Period  9:16 – 9:56

4th Period  9:59 – 10:39

5th Period  10:42 – 11:22

1st Lunch  11:22 – 11:52

6th Period  11:52 – 12:32

7th Period  12:35 – 1:15

8th Period  1:18 – 1:58

Homeroom  2:01 – 2:09

TGIF           2:09 – 2:54




1st Period  7:50 – 8:30

2nd Period 8:33 – 9:13

3rd Period  9:16 – 9:56

4th Period  9:59 – 10:39

5th Period  10:42 – 11:22

6th Period  11:25 – 12:05

7th Period  12:08 – 12:48

3rd Lunch  12:48 – 1:18

8th Period  1:18 – 1:58

Homeroom 2:01 – 2:09

TGIF           2:09 – 2:54


DMS Friday Schedule (Not TGIF)

6th Grade Bell Schedule

Homeroom 7:50 – 8:03

1st Period     8:06 – 8:51

2nd Period    8:54 – 9:39

3rd Period    9:42 – 10:27

4th Period    10:30 – 11:15

5th Period    11:18 – 12:03

2nd Lunch     12:03 – 12:30

6th Period    12:33 – 1:18

7th Period    1:21 – 2:06

8th Period    2:09 – 2:54


7th Grade Bell Schedule

    Homeroom 7:50 – 8:03

1st Period     8:06 – 8:51

2nd Period    8:54 – 9:39

3rd Period    9:42 – 10:27

4th Period    10:30 – 11:15

1st Lunch      11:15 – 11:42

5th Period    11:45 – 12:30

6th Period    12:33 – 1:18

7th Period    1:21 – 2:06

8th Period    2:09 – 2:54


8th Grade Bell Schedule

        Homeroom 7:50 – 8:03

1st Period     8:06 – 8:51

2nd Period    8:54 – 9:39

3rd Period    9:42 – 10:27

4th Period    10:30 – 11:15

5th Period    11:18 – 12:03

6th Period    12:06 – 12:51

3rd Lunch     12:51 – 1:18

7th Period    1:21 – 2:06

8th Period    2:09 – 2:54

DMS Learning Staff


Rick O’Driscoll - Principal


6th Grade: 7th Grade: 8th Grade:


Lisa Cox - Social Studies Cheryl Lowham - Social Studies Lauren Largent - Social Studies

Brian Barker - Science Rylee Berger - Science Steven Grover - Science                    

Donna Carroll - Math Emily Bennett - Math Lisa Ovard - Math

Sam Symes - ELA Mindee Mitchell - ELA Roman Smith - ELA

Brenda Berger - ELA Jocelyn Anderson - SPED Elle Porter - ELA

Cory Skinner - SPED Annette Ivens - SPED

Courtney Shundoff - Math Int.

Office Staff:


Media Team: Rick O’Driscoll - Principal

Mary Bown - Principal’s Secretary Sarah Turner - Choir

Cami Muller (PARA) Ami Barker - Building Secretary Isaac Wilkinson - Band

Kyle Lamb - IT Stormy Dolezal - Dean of Students Ramona Pace - Strings


Guidance: Related Arts: PE:


Bret McCoy - Counselor Doug Quillinan - Art Karen Bowns - PE

Bev Fackrell - Counselor Timothy Schmoll - Technology Jason Mitchell - PE

Cody Seale - Computer Science

Lindsay Welling - FACS

Life Skills: Courtnie Link - Spanish Special Services:

Jeanna Martin - SPED CT

Dusty Muir - SPED Dustan Blair - School Psych

Summer Benn     (PARA) Responsibility Room: Monica Oldham - Speech

Maize VanGieson  (PARA) Tyler Willis - ELL

Cindy Wasson      (PARA) Shandra Johnson (PARA) Austin Elmer (8 PARA)

Serena Osterman (PARA) Shianne Day (PARA)

Custodial Staff: Julie Kokoshka (8 PARA) Food Services: Wanda Ramirez (7 PARA)

Clorice Walton Kelsie Liechty     (7 PARA)

Brenda Lamb Travis Bitsue Gabby Coudriet (PARA)

Heidi Brooks Luis Tautimer Whitney Young (PARA)

Tracey Hofer Manuela Bustillos Nora Bills (PARA) Emily Sorenson (6 PARA) Nurse: Justin Willard   (6 PARA)

Tiffany Windley




UCSD#1 Nondiscrimination Statement

Uinta County School District Number One does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, status as a parent, marital status, or political affiliation in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its educational programs or activities.  Inquiries concerning Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act may be referred to the Uinta County School District Number One Human Resources Office, 537 Tenth Street, Evanston, Wyoming 82930, (307) 789-7571; or the Wyoming State Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights Coordinator, 2nd Floor, Hathaway Building, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002-0050, (307) 777-6189.

Davis Middle School Expectations


Be Here:

  • Come on time and be prepared for class: bring Chromebooks, paper, pencils, homework, and books, and be ready to learn!

Be Safe:

  • KYHFOOTY - Keep your hands, feet & other objects to yourself!
  • Be aware & report dangerous situations immediately.
  • Always walk between classes, and watch where you are going.
  • Any activity that harms oneself or others will not be allowed at school.
  • Students who break the law will be referred to law enforcement.

Be Respectful:

  • Be kind, courteous, and honest with others.
  • Follow staff directions the first time.
  • Speak kindly to and about others.
  • Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.
  • Students will show respect for others and their possessions.

Be Responsible:

  • Show DMS Pride by keeping our school clean.
  • Students will make up lost time due to inappropriate classroom behavior.
  • Be accountable for your actions, and choices and accept the consequences
  • Be focused in the classroom, and leave cell phones at home or in your locker during instruction. 


Employability Skills/Work Habits


As a school, student success is determined by academic and employability proficiency. The goal for both middle schools is to report proficiency on employability standards. It is a district-wide expectation for students to excel in all areas, academic and social. In alignment with national employability standards, students will earn scores based on demonstration of these standards: Advanced (4), Proficient (3), Basic (2), or Below Basic (1). Scores will be reported quarterly on each Report Card. These skills are essential for a student’s success inside and outside of school. By teaming with parents/guardians, we will help our students achieve these critical work habits. 


Be Here:

  • Arrives to class on time prepared to learn.
  • Actively participates in class activities. 

Be Respectful:

  • Interacts respectfully and cooperatively with teachers and peers. 
  • Listens to and follows directions. 

Be Responsible:  

  • Follows directions and procedures, including appropriate technology use.
  • Completes assignments and meets deadlines.


Before and After School


In the morning before the bell …

  • School starts at 7:50 a.m. It is recommended that students be in the building by 7:40 a.m.
  • On Mondays, school starts at 8:50 a.m.  Students should be in the building by 8:40 a.m.  Late start Mondays are for teacher professional development. All students are in the commons area until 5 minutes before the tardy bell rings. 
  • Students may come to the office to pay fees or deposit money in their lunch accounts.
  • Teachers are available to students around 7:30 a.m. 
  • Once students arrive on school grounds, they may not leave without a parent signing them out through the Office.

After school ... 

  • School ends at 2:54 p.m.
  • After school, students are expected to leave school grounds by 3:10 p.m. unless they participate in a supervised activity. Students may stay after school for Study Tables on designated days.
  • If you miss work in a class, you are expected to attend after-school Study Tables - available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3-4 p.m.
  • If you are in a supervised activity, your parents should be aware of the daily ending time so that they can be here 5 minutes early to pick you up.


Dress and Appearance


    • Students are expected to dress appropriately for school. Clothing should not be distracting in the classroom, nor hinder movement. Costumes may only be worn on special dress-up days approved by the administration.
    • Face paint, writing on the body, or anything that distracts the learning environment will not be allowed.  
    • Shoes must be worn at all times.
    • Clothing, material, articles, or objects promoting drugs, alcohol, tobacco, promiscuity and/or sexual innuendo, hate groups, and/or gangs, are unacceptable (which would include wearing an article such as gang-related apparel, offensive language, politically demeaning opinions, or other inappropriate items).
    • All shirts need to cover the shoulders to the waist with little or no gaps in between. 
    • Clothing that is torn, ripped, slashed, or full of holes is not appropriate school attire if the pant holes are above the fingertip length when arms are hanging loosely at the side.
    • Underclothes must be covered by tops and bottoms (including tank tops)
    • Shorts and skirts should not be distracting and be of a reasonable length to permit movement, without being revealing. A general rule of thumb is that they should come to the mid-thigh or longer.
    • No hats or hoods may be worn over the head. Hats can be worn on Fridays.
    • Friday is “Demon Pride Day” Students are encouraged to wear school colors and school shirts.
    • Eyes must be visible in order for learning and communication to take place. Students will not be permitted to wear sunglasses in the building unless there is a medical reason.  
    • Backpacks may be carried to and from school but must be kept in lockers during the school day. 
  • The school/Administration has the discretion to determine appropriate school dress.


Items Not Permitted at School


Electronic devices:  It is recommended that personal electronics such as cell phones, cordless ear pods, etc. be left at home. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. If students are found using ANY personal electronics during class, in the hallway, or at lunch  (including cell phones and/or watches) they will be taken and the privilege of having it at school could be revoked. 


Cell phones should be left in your locker.


When cell phones or any other electronics are taken away from you at school:  

First Warning:  The first time your electronic device is taken, you may retrieve it in the office after the school day has ended. 

Second Warning: The next time this happens, your parent/guardian will be required to personally pick up the device from the Office. Students will be warned NOT to bring the device to school anymore.

Third Warning: The electronic device will be kept in a secure location at the school until parents can personally pick it up from the principal. Parents/guardians will meet with the principal to discuss a plan going forward.

Additional Consequences: Students could be required to turn in their phone at the beginning of each day in the office. 


Bicycles, Skateboards, Roller Blades: Students may ride bicycles, scooters, or skateboards to school, but they must walk them on campus. Riding on campus is a safety hazard. Bicycles must be stored in the bicycle rack located at the front entrance. Scooters and skateboards must be able to fit into a student locker. UCSD#1 is NOT responsible for items left unattended or unlocked. Roller shoes and rollerblades are not allowed on campus.




  • You will be assigned a locker on the first day of school. You will receive instructions on its use. We expect you to keep your locker clean.
  • Students are to use only the assigned school locks on their hall lockers. PERSONAL LOCKS ARE NOT TO BE USED on hall lockers. (A combination lock will be assigned to you for PE lockers. There will be a $10 fine assessed for lost/not returned PE locks.)  
  • Students are to keep their locker combinations confidential. They should never share their combination with friends.
  • Students are to only use the locker that has been assigned to them. LOCKERS ARE NOT TO BE SHARED.
  • Students are responsible for all of their personal belongings. The school is not responsible for personal belongings left in lockers. Again, valuable items should not be brought to school, but if you choose to bring them to school, your locker is a much safer place to leave valuable items. Please do not ask to store your personal belongings in the office. Students who leave their belongings unsecured in classrooms, the hall, gym, or commons area do so at their own risk. 
  • Defective lockers or difficulties with lockers must be reported to the office. 
  • Lockers are the property of the district and are subject to inspection by the administration or their designee at any time. A school official may conduct a search of a student’s person, locker, belongings, or other materials in their possession if the official has a reason/suspicion that a crime has been or is in the process of being committed or reasonable cause to believe that the search is necessary to maintain a safe school environment or enforce school rules and policy.


School Lunch


UCSD#1 recognizes that healthy, nutritious meals are an important component of student readiness and ability to learn.


School Breakfast & Lunch Prices for 2024-2025:

Breakfast: $2.25 per day

Lunch: $3.50 per day


Free and Reduced Meal applications:


We encourage all households and staff to prepay meal accounts.  Payments can be made at school by cash or check.  Online payments can be made using (processing fee will apply.) Households eligible for free or reduced meals should submit an application. Applications

are available online at, or a paper application can be obtained at any school office or Nutrition Services office. An application must be submitted each school year or as financial situations occur ie: loss of job, reduced hours/wage, and the number of household members changes. You are not required to report an increase in revenue. Carryover from the previous year's eligible applications will expire in mid-October each year.


Negative balance notification policy:


When a student meal account reaches a negative balance of $20.00 the school principal will initiate a parent/ guardian contact. Notifications are sent out several times weekly through automated phone calls, text messages, and emails for all negative balances.


Lost & Found


Each year we have truckloads of items that we end up donating to charity. Please check the lost and found regularly for any missing items. It is located between the custodian’s office and the SPED meeting room.  Small items, (i.e., glasses, cell phones, keys, purses, wallets, I.D.’s, jewelry, etc.) will be turned in to the office and displayed in the office window. The Lost and Found will be cleaned out and unclaimed items will be donated quarterly throughout the school year. 


Parent/Visitor Policy


Davis Middle School welcomes parent visits. For the security of our students and staff, all visitors to Davis Middle School must check in at the office upon arrival. All visitors to Davis Middle School must present a government-issued ID and must wear a visitor badge when visiting other parts of the building. Visitors without a badge will be referred back to the office to check-in. 


Parents/visitors must be on a student’s Emergency Contact to speak with them at school or check students out of school. If a crisis situation develops, students will be released only to people listed on the student’s emergency contact information. Identification may be required. DMS does not allow students from other schools to attend classes. DMS is a closed campus.




Substitutes are critical to the success of our school. The expectation at Davis is that substitutes will be treated with dignity and respect by all students, at all times. 




Cell phones are permitted for student use before and after school only. Cell phones are to be left in lockers and not taken into classes. Parents and students should make transportation arrangements, to go home with friends, etc., before coming to school.


Student Success


Yearly Celebrations: We celebrate with our students who have earned Proficient, Advanced, or Grew a Level on Interim and Summative Tests (Fall, Winter & Spring WYTOPP Assessments) each year with a special activity. 


Demon Dollar Store: Students are recognized for good behavior daily by teachers. Students’ names are drawn monthly and rewarded for their positive behaviors. Students may use Demon Dollars as currency for purchasing items in the school store at lunchtime throughout the week and during TGIF time.


Demon Dollars Drawings: Students are also recognized for good behavior by turning in their Demon Dollars. Demon Dollar Drawings happen regularly throughout the school year. Students must include their first and last names on the Demon Dollar to qualify for the drawings.


Progress Reports/Report Cards: Progress Reports will be emailed to parents/guardians at 3 weeks and 6 weeks into each quarter. Quarterly report cards will be emailed to the email address on file for parents/guardians. The final 4th quarter report card will be emailed home during the first week of June. 

Promotion of Middle School Students

A middle school student who finishes a year of grades 6, 7, and 8 and who has obtained the required amount of credits shall be promoted to the next higher grade. 


Each year, middle school students will be offered a total of 60 credits. Students must pass at a C level or above 70% of these credits or 42 credits total to be promoted to the next grade. Students who earn less than the required 42 credits will need to attend summer school.  Courses have been assigned varying amounts of credits as indicated below:


Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Credits Per Year

3 Year Credit Total






















Social Studies











































Credits Per Quarter








Students will be offered opportunities to make up credits in two ways:


1) Summer school will be worth a total of 12 credits that can be applied to the previous year’s total in order to be promoted to the next grade.


2) Standardized test scores will also be worth a total of 1-4 credits maximum that can be applied to the previous year’s total in order to be promoted to the next grade. 

  1. Credits for district-required standardized testing will be awarded at 2 full credits for advanced scores in the 70th percentile in both reading and math.
  2. Credits for district-required standardized testing will be awarded at 1 full credit for scores in the 50th – 69th percentile and above in reading and math.

3) Additional credits earned upon completion of educational subject matter mutually 

    agreed upon by school administration and students/parents. All coursework is to be 

    completed on a contractual basis, outside the regular or summer school day. 


Discipline Policy/Plan


Davis Middle School strives to provide an educational environment of the highest quality, an environment that is safe & orderly, and one in which all students can learn and grow. To accomplish this we must maintain proper discipline. We plan to reward positive behavior and modify negative behavior.  An essential element of this plan is that behavioral expectations are established and clearly understood by all students. The focus of student discipline is to have students accept the responsibility and the consequences of their actions.  


To assist students in pursuing quality education, we have established general expectations for student behavior. We operate under the guiding principle that all students are responsible for their choices, actions, and behavior. If a student’s choices, actions, or behavior violate these established rules, there will be consequences for such.


Classroom Expectations:  The following are general policies for appropriate behavior in the classroom and throughout the school. All students at Davis Middle School will be trained on these expectations during the first 2 weeks of school and as needed.


Violation of Classroom Rules:  


  • First Offense: Informal Teacher Conference with Student Inappropriate behavior is discussed between teacher and student - future consequences are identified if the behavior continues. The teacher writes up the situation and submits a referral to the office for data tracking.
  • Second Offense: Parent Contact Teacher contacts parents to discuss the inappropriate behavior of the student. Future consequences are identified if the behavior continues. The teacher writes up the situation and submits a referral to the office for data tracking.
  • Third Offense:  Administrative/Behavior Intervention – The teacher writes up the situation and submits a referral to the office for data tracking. The office will assign consequences and conference with the student and parents. Communication will be made back to staff.
  • Severe Clause:  Administrative Intervention 
    • See below when a student commits any Category II or III offense:


Category I - Minor Offense:  Violation of classroom rules, rules of common courtesy, and violation of another’s rights.


  • Defiance, disrespect, non-compliance 
    • Profanity/swearing
    • Being in a restricted area 
  • Inappropriate physical contact
    • PDA -Minor public displays of affection
  • Excessive Tardies
  • Property misuse
  • Dress code violation
  • Technology Violations
    • Inappropriate use of technology 
    • Cell phone
  • Disruptive Behavior
    • Use/Possession of nuisance items: toys, laser pointers, etc. 
    • Throwing objects


Category II—Major Offense: Actions that have a high potential for personal injury, defiance of school authority, and violation of ethics.


  • Insubordination/defiance of authority
  • Cheating/dishonesty/forgery/plagiarism
  • Verbal abuse/profanity or obscene disrespectful remarks or gestures
  • Harassment/hazing/intimidation/bullying of another student
  • Sexual harassment: Includes derogatory or offensive comments, jokes, gestures, slurs, sexual remarks about one’s own or another’s body, sexually suggestive pictures, cartoons, photographs, objects, vulgar language, and sex texting.
  • Misuse of technology. Downloading inappropriate games/programs, inappropriate e-mail, pornographic material, visiting pornographic sites, and unauthorized chat rooms
  • Provoking a fight
  • Destruction of property
  • Threatening others 


Category III—Violation of Law: Violation of public law.

  • Computer hacking
  • Videoing/talking illicit photos (this includes videos/photos of fights or anything criminal)
  • Extortion
  • Gambling
  • Graffiti/Tagging/Vandalism
  • Use/possession/distribution of tobacco/alcohol/electronic cigarettes (vape), paraphernalia, or illegal drugs in any form
  • Arson, false fire alarm, bomb threat, fireworks of any kind
  • Possession, threats, or use of a weapon
  • Fighting/Assault
  • Theft/accepting stolen property
  • Trespassing
  • Threatening others (determined by law enforcement)
  • Truancy

Consequences for Discipline Policy Violations

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Consequences ____________

1st Offense 1 day ASD/LD/WR


2nd Offense 2 days ASD/LD/WR


3rd Offense 1st Offense 1-3 days ASD/LD/WR or 1 day ISS


4th Offense 2nd Offense 2-4 days ASD/LD/WR or 2 days ISS


5th Offense 3rd Offense 3-5 ASD/LD/WR, 2-4 days ISS or 1 day OSS


Chronic 4th Offense 1st Offense 1-3 days ISS/OSS - Meeting with SRO and

Category II                                               mandatory re-entry meeting with parents


5th Offense 2nd Offense 3 - 5 days ISS/OSS - Meeting with SRO, mandatory

                                    re-entry meeting with parents and behavior plan


6th Offense 3rd Offense 5-10 days ISS/OSS and/or possible expulsion



ASD = After School Detention

OSS = Out of School Suspension

ISS = In School Suspension                                   

WR = Work Restitution 

LD = Lunch Detention 


When behavior is determined to be problematic or chronic, a student behavior intervention plan (BIP) will be put into place by the school behavior intervention team.  Student discipline may be determined on a case-by-case basis. 


Getting Help at School


Nurses Office & Medications: Our school nurse is in our building part-time. Davis Middle School and Evanston Middle School share a school nurse. Students may ask their teacher for a pass to see the nurse for health-related reasons. Please make sure to inform the school of any identified medical/health concerns so that we are aware and can help. Also, parents should notify us of any changes that occur during the school year. Health concerns are kept confidential.


All prescription or over-the-counter medications must be kept locked in the nurse’s medicine cabinet. They must be in the ORIGINAL or pharmacy-labeled container (pharmacists will provide a second labeled container upon request) with the correct student name, drug name, dosage, and administration instructions, accompanied by a medical permission form signed by the parent. Any medication left in the nurse’s office at the end of the school year will be discarded as required by the Uinta County School District #1 Medication Policy.


CounselingDavis Middle School has a full-time counselor to help students with their schedules and personal concerns. Our school counselor is happy to help students remove barriers to their learning. Our Special Services Counselor meets with students individually and with groups of students. Our counselors conduct small group activities, manage system assessments, and consult with teachers and parents.  Counselors can assist students in making educational plans and understanding themselves and others. If a student wishes to see a counselor, they should email Mr. McCoy with specific information to request an appointment. Parents may call 789-8096 to make an appointment if they would like to meet with a counselor or have their child see one of our counselors.


School Resource Officer (SRO): The purpose of the SRO is to help provide the school with a safer learning environment. The SRO works to accomplish this by:

  • helping to establish positive working relationships in a cooperative effort and assisting in positive student growth and development.
  • helping to maintain a safe and secure environment on campus, which will be conducive to learning.
  • identifying school crime, misbehavior, and/or attendance issues.
  • preventing and/or intervening when necessary in school crime misbehavior, and/or attendance issues.
  • provide vigorous criminal law enforcement against school crime.


Homework Request/Make-up Work


Make up work for students missing school

  • If a student misses work, they have a three-week window to turn it in. If they are absent or missed things in the final day or two of that block, their deadline could be stretched into the next block as a final deadline. Students receive zeros for missing work until incomplete work is completed. 


Multiple Learning Opportunities

  • Assessments-students are required to demonstrate some form of learning after their first attempt, before having a second attempt at an assessment. We see this as an application for reassessment. If something wasn’t different between the first attempt and additional attempts, learning doesn’t change. Students must show they have worked to improve/worked to greater mastery to receive a 2nd attempt. 
  • Assignments-however can simply be attempted again with whatever level of assistance is required to gain the skill. 
    • Additional instruction and reassessment are required for those students not demonstrating proficiency.
    • Buildings have created systems of support for students who have not demonstrated proficiency on a standard.
  • These supports are offered during the school day.
  • Opportunities are also available for proficient students wanting to improve their scores; however, these students must take responsibility and make arrangements for additional instruction and reassessment.
  • Grade level and content area teams agree on consistent expectations for reassessment.
  • Non-proficient students are recommended to attend summer school to develop the skills necessary to gain proficiency.
  • Every assignment helps within a unit of learning and therefore needs to be completed promptly and so will have a cut-off date.


Study Tables: Our school offers one hour after school for homework help. This is available Monday through Thursday from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Students may utilize this time to receive assistance with their schoolwork. If your student is missing work or has low scores - Study Tables is the place to make this up. If Study Tables are not attended, then students will be required to attend lunch support until work has been made up, or proficiency is demonstrated. Students who choose to or who are required to attend study tables should be prepared to stay the entire time. Students attending are provided a small snack. Students who are not working productively during study tables will be asked to leave. Parents should pick up students promptly at 4:00 p.m.


TGIF: The last 45 minutes of some Fridays (TGIF) during the quarter is an opportunity for students to gain the skills and knowledge that have been determined essential. This is also a time to make up any work that is missing due to attendance or lack of effort. Any grade of 2 or below indicates that work needs to be completed or knowledge needs to be gained. Students needing to learn skills, retake assessments, or do makeup work will be invited to check in with their assigned teachers to complete this work. Qualifying students will choose a breakout session that may include swimming, quiet time in the media center, dodgeball in the gym, a movie in the media center, or other activities provided by grade levels. Students who missed a day of school during the week will have the opportunity to make up for that missed work during TGIF. If teachers determine students who missed a day are proficient, the teacher can qualify them to go to a TGIF activity. Students must have a wristband to be involved in an area outside of the classroom. Students in a breakout session must stay in that assigned area for the entire time. Students struggling with attendance or who received a behavior referral that week will have the opportunity for training and counseling to support them in overcoming these obstacles. Parents are encouraged to keep their students at school during TGIF. 


Demon WIN Time: WIN time is an opportunity for student enrichment and/or reteaching of essential skills. It is held 3 times per week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.




Communicate With Us – Please! Your student’s success and well-being are very important to us. If you move, or change your phone number or place of employment – please contact the Office (789-8096) with the new information as soon as possible.

Wyoming State Law 21-4-102 “Every parent, guardian or other person having control or charge of any child who is a resident of this state and whose seventh birthday falls on or before September 15 of any year and who has not yet attained his sixteenth birthday or completed the tenth grade shall be required to send such child to, and such child shall be required to attend, a public or private school each year, during the entire time that the public school shall be in session in the district in which the pupil resides…” 


  1. Attendance Requirement:


Ninety percent (90%) attendance is expected to complete all classes at middle school. It is recommended that absences be limited to no more than five (5) absences. After seven (7) absences, a letter will be sent home to parents. Ten (10) or more absences will result in filing an affidavit with the Uinta County Attorney for educational neglect. 


  1. Attendance Procedure:


  1. Absent From School – A parent or legal guardian is expected to call the school on the day of the absence and inform the school as to the nature of the absence. If a phone is not available, a signed and dated note on the day the student returns to school will be acceptable.


  1. Leaving School – If it becomes necessary to leave school for any reason, a parent or legal guardian must come into the building to check them out through the office. The office staff will check the student’s emergency contact information to verify the identity of the person checking the student out. The student will not leave the premises with anyone who is not listed in their emergency contact information. Failure to properly check out of school will result in truancy. 


  1. Returning to School – Students who are not excused with a phone call or note from their parents or legal guardian must pick up an admit slip from the attendance office. Students arriving at school later than 8:00 a.m. must be checked in at the office and be issued an admit slip.


  1. Family Emergency – A parent/legal guardian must verify the family emergency upon the student’s return to school by a phone call or note


  1. Excessive Absence Notification:


Parents and/or the legal guardian will be notified by phone call and mail when the student reaches the seventh (7) absence. A conference may be held between the student, his/her parent/guardian, and administration when a student reaches the tenth (10) absence. Lack of communication does not excuse the student from the consequences of their absence. A student who has ten absences will be considered a habitually truant student and will be referred to the county attorney. 


Ten consecutive absences will result in a student being dropped from enrollment.


  1. Classification of Absences:


  1. Absent – When a student is absent from class, the absence will be marked with an “A” in PowerSchool. This is an absence that has not yet been cleared by a parent/guardian. Absences that are not cleared with a phone call or note promptly will be considered unexcused absences. Excused absences will be coded as follows: 


  1. “P” – (Parent Excused): An absence that has been cleared with a phone call or note from the parent/guardian will be marked with a “P” in PowerSchool. This includes minor illnesses in which the student was not taken to the doctor, and/or a family emergency/absence. In the case of an extended illness (3 or more days) the school can require a note from a doctor.  


  1. “S” (School Excused): An absence that results from a school-sponsored activity or a staff request will not be considered or counted against the student as an absence. The student will still be responsible for missed classwork. Where possible, the work should be made up before the absence occurs. To be eligible for a school-sponsored activity the participant is expected to be in school before and after the activity.


  1. “D” – (Doctor Excused):  Absences that are cleared with a note, fax, or phone call from the Doctor’s office will not be considered or counted as an absence. 


  1. Truancy – Any absence where the parent or legal guardian does not have prior knowledge of the absence or the student does not have a parent or legal guardian’s permission for the absence. Truancy also exists for any absence that has not been cleared within two school days. Students who are on campus but not in their assigned class will be considered truant. Truancy will be considered an unexcused absence. 


  1. Any unexcused absence will result in students being assigned “buy back” time outside of class hours. This will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The purpose of this is to make up missed class time.


  1. Tardiness


Each class period is scheduled to complete a certain activity within the time allotted. This places a responsibility both upon the teacher and the student. Tardiness by students interrupts class activity and the ongoing learning process, not only for the tardy student but also for the rest of the class.


The administration desires to allow students to develop self-discipline in arriving to class on time. However, excessive or flagrant tardiness will be dealt with on an individual basis by the administration.


  1. After five (5) tardies a student will receive a referral which will result in one hour of detention/buyback time.


  1. Make-Up Work


Cleared Absences – When a student is absent it is their responsibility to gather their work and to make up the assignments/tests they have missed. Students will make up work for each day missed. However, some assignments may be given absolute deadlines and students will be expected to meet those deadlines even if absent. It is the student’s responsibility to know what their teachers expect.


Scheduled Absences: If a student knows they will be absent, the student is responsible for meeting with their teachers to obtain assignments ahead of time. Completed work needs to be turned in immediately when the student returns to class. 

Activities, Clubs, Contests


We encourage all students at Davis Middle School to be involved in the extra activities we make available.  Being involved enriches your learning experience. It is easy to get involved! You will be on a team and you will participate and build lifelong relationships and friends. Don’t be afraid to participate. We have many activities, clubs, and special opportunities to please every taste. Listen to daily announcements to learn about these activities as they happen.

  • Football
  • Volleyball
  • Boys Swimming
  • Girls Swimming
  • Boys Basketball
  • Girls Basketball
  • Wrestling
  • Track


  • Girls & Boys Cross Country
  • Student Council
  • Robotics
  • Math Counts
  • Jazz Band
  • Spelling Bee
  • Musical
  • Select Choir

A physical and registration on PowerSchool is REQUIRED BEFORE your students are allowed to try out or participate in any sports-related activity. Physicals for the current year need to be dated AFTER May 1, 2024. You are welcome to pick up a physical form in the DMS Office or the physician’s office should also have them. Your student-athlete must be registered on PowerSchool. You will upload your physical form to that site. Please follow the instructions on the website to complete the registration. If you need help you can call either DMS office staff anytime after August 5th.  Paper physicals will NOT be accepted by the office or coaching staff. 




  • To promote Educational Excellence Through Activities.
  • To encourage activity participants to make a strong commitment to academics and activities.
  • To promote self-discipline and high academic standards.
  • To encourage a strong attendance and participation pattern for lifelong success.


Weekly eligibility will be required of all extra-curricular and co-curricular activity (out-of-town events) participants. Students not meeting eligibility requirements will be ineligible for after-school activities including performances, games, competitions, or recitals. If there are questions about eligibility, students, parents, teachers, coaches or administrators will have the opportunity to meet with the eligibility appeals committee to express their concerns.

If you fail to meet this requirement, you will lose your ability to participate in the following: performances that are not part of the grade, games, competitions, or recitals immediately through the following Thursday.

  • Students will be required to practice during the ineligibility period unless receiving school-requested after-school academic assistance. Students may be required to attend academic support sessions and practice if time permits.
  • No student shall be allowed to travel with the team or group during the ineligible period.
  • Parents, Coach/Sponsor, Principal, Activities office, and Counselors will be notified immediately of ineligibility.


The academic cut score is a 2

  • You must be passing {current grade of 2/C (Basic)} all subjects by Thursday at the end of the regular school day. Both credit and non-credit courses will count towards your weekly eligibility. Students and Coaches will receive their first warning on Monday at the end of the school day.


  • If a student is deemed ineligible at the end of the day on Thursday, no late work or missing work will be accepted for the remainder of the week.  (ex. if ineligible on Thursday, may not participate through the weekend).
  • STUDENTS must be in attendance for a full day of school the day he/she participates (activity and practice).  Exceptions may be granted for death in the family, professional appointments, etc. by the Principal and/or Activities Director.
  • Any student referred to the office for a major behavior referral will be excluded from the next competition or activity.


Student can appeal

  • Individuals can appeal their eligibility in extreme cases only by a written request to the Activities Director, School Principal, or Academic Counselor. Deliver your request to the principal’s secretary in the appropriate building.
  • A student must be on the Monday and Thursday list in the same course to be deemed academically ineligible.


Other Important Information


Fees/Fines: UCSD#1 allows middle schools to require a $25 Student Body Fee. The $25 Student Body Fee entails the following: $12.50 for the student’s specific grade level, $7.50 for Student Activities, and $5 for other activities at Davis Middle School. This fee benefits all students. In addition, all students are required to pay a $20 Technology User Fee every year for the use of their Chromebooks. 


End of Year Check-Out: At the end of the year all students will be required to check out of school to ensure that they have:

  1. Turned in all books and equipment.
  2. Paid any fines or class fees – including negative lunch balances, lost PE locks, books, etc.
  3. Cleaned their locker.

This check-out process will need to be completed before the last day of school. Students who have not taken care of fees/fines will be notified via email notices attached to 3-week and 6-week progress reports, and report cards throughout the school year. Students who owe fees/fines may not participate in end-of-the-year activities and yearbooks will be held until all fees/fines are paid in full. Fees/fines not paid by the last day of school will be carried over and added to the next school year’s registration fees. Students going to the High School will not receive credit until fines/fees are paid at all previous schools. 









Important Dates

First Day of School August 26, 2024

Labor Day Holiday       September 2, 2024

Parent/Teacher Conferences October 2, 2024

Autumn Break         October 14-15, 2024

End of Quarter 1 (½ Day)         October 27, 2023

Thanksgiving Holiday November 27-29, 2024

Parent/Teacher Conferences December 4, 2024

Christmas Holiday         December 23 - January 3 

School Resumes         January 6, 2025

End of Quarter 2 (½ Day) January 10, 2025

MLK No School-Work Day January 20, 2025

President’s Day Vacation         February 17, 2025

Parent/Teacher Conferences February 26, 2025

End of Quarter 3 (½ Day) March 14, 2025

Spring Break         March 31 - April 4 

WY-TOPP Assessment April 2025

Teacher Appreciation Week May 5-9, 2025

Parent/Teacher Conferences May 7, 2025

Memorial Day Holiday May 26, 2025

Last Day of School (½ Day) May 30, 2025

Inclement Weather Days June 2-3, 2025

Davis Middle School PTO 

(Parent/Teacher Organization)


This year we are beginning our ninth year of having a PTO at Davis Middle School. We currently have the largest middle school PTO in the State of Wyoming and the second-largest PTO in Wyoming! Having the support of our Principal, staff, and parents make all the difference in the impact we are able to make.  At Davis Middle School together we begin to build our future.


One of our goals is to help parents navigate the middle school arena with confidence. Together, with school staff, we want parents to know that they are always welcome at DMS. Being involved in the PTO is a great way to be involved in your child’s middle school education. We meet monthly with the principal  to discuss activities, events, and ways to partner for success. Being a member of PTO is a great way for parents to have a united voice and work towards goals for our students’ success. It is a little-known fact that you can be a PTO member without volunteering! The DMS PTO appreciates everyone’s membership, whether or not a member volunteers because each member increases PTO’s ability to advocate for children. Our PTO is an organization that makes a difference in the lives of our students, staff, and families. We strive to provide activities that are educational and beneficial to the community and provide opportunities to have fun.


Decades of research shows when parents are involved, students perform better in school. They receive higher grades and test scores, have better school attendance and lower rates of suspension, are more likely to graduate high school, and are more likely to pursue post-secondary education. Children of involved parents also exhibit increased motivation, better self-esteem, less drug and alcohol use, and fewer instances of violent behavior. Those great benefits come from parent involvement, a major focus of PTO. 


This year we have some fun events planned including our annual Demon Challenge Fundraiser, Teacher Appreciation Week, and many other activities. We are planning to have a lot of fun and would love to have you volunteer if you are interested.


You can find us on Facebook by searching for Davis Middle School PTO. Join our page for updates, communication, and ways to become involved! Please contact the Davis Middle School office for information on how to join!